8. Task scheduler

The RouterOS system is a very flexible environnement to create custom scripts, and it can also be used in combination with a Scheduler. Cloutik integrates a Task Scheduler in order to offer the same level of flexibility : if you want to reboot a device every week, you have the choice between : creating a […]

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7. Notifications

Cloutik maintains a permanent relationship with the Device, starting just after its adoption. If Cloutik detects that the Device does not communicate anymore with it, it will trigger an Alert to indicate that from Cloutik viewpoint this Device seems to have a problem. It can be down or still running but there are no more […]

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6. Sites and Groups

When you manage multiple RouterOS devices on your Cloutik account, you can use the Sites and Groups elements to improve their visibility. The Site element allows to gather several devices under the same label. It can be associated to a geographic location or business information. The devices will be completely independent in their Site. The […]

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Use the RouterOS Wireless / LTE Scanner

RouterOS allows to launch several Scanning operations that can be useful to get some information from the Wireless / LTE interfaces Cloutik offers several configuration templates to help you building scripts that are achieving scanning operation on the Wireless / LTE interfaces and upload the result in your Directory. We suggest that you create a […]

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Questions related to security

We have received many questions and interrogations related to security matters. Here are a few answers. Q : What is the information that is sent by the device to Cloutik ? By default, Cloutik deploys on your device : – GetTaskCloutik : this script ensures that the device contact Cloutik to say hello and ask […]

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Backups do not appear

When you activate the feature “Backup”, Cloutik tells your device to create a backup file and upload it to your Cloutik directory. If it fails it is very likely that something was wrong with the upload command. It can happen in particular if you are using a ‘$’ in your password. We suggest that you […]

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5. Health and Traffic information

The RouterOS system provides full visibility of the downlink and uplink traffic consumed on all interfaces : ethernet, wlan, lte, ppp and others. The Cloutik script GetHealthCloutik retrieves both the device resource information (CPU, RAM, Storage) and can also provide the traffic information from the WAN Ethernet interface thanks to the GetHealth script. The download […]

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The RouterOS system allows to generate a Bandwidth tests both in Downlink and Uplink. This feature works between two RouterOS device : one has to be the server, configured in the section Tools / BTest Server while the other will be the client, configured in the section Tools / Bandwidth Test. Cloutik integrates a SpeedTest […]

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Date and Time scripting

The function to obtain the date and time on RouterOS is very simple :local date [/system clock get date]:local time [/system clock get time] Bad news, the variable $date contains the value “Dec/25/2018” which is not very adapted to scripting operations. Then if you want to get a more adapted format, such as 2018-12-25, you […]

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Cloutik File Directory

Each Cloutik account has a dedicated file Directory. It is used to store some files associated to your devices, including backup configuration files files uploaded by a device after an operation such as a scan files to be downloaded with a configuration template When clicking on “Backup” the device will upload its configuration in the […]

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